Community meeting held on 14 September 2021
Venue: The west side of Sheikh Jamal High School, Kamrangirchar
WKB consortium organized the second community meeting as part of the advocacy process of the anti-pollution advocacy project. The meeting was presided over by the consortium lead Sharif Jamil. Nure Alam Choudhury, Councilor, 55 no. ward, Dhaka South City Corporation was the special guest of the meeting. Speakers of the event were Professor Dr. Ahmad Kamruzzaman Majumder, Dean, Faculty of Science, Chairman, Department of Environmental Science, Stamford University Bangladesh; Amair Hassan Masud, President, Paribesh Andolan Mancha; GM Rustam Khan, President, Sachetan Nagarbasi; Mohammad Azaz, Chairman, River, and Delta Research Center; Mohammad Selim, President, Shishuder Mukto Bayu Sebon Songstha; SM Jahangir Adel, President Sachetan Nagorik Samaj Sangstha; Ibnul Sayed Rana, Chairman, Nirapad Development Foundation and Member, Central Committee, BAPA; Umme Salma, Member Secretary, Nirad Chikitsya Chai; and Ishrat Jahan Lata, President, Banalata Nari Unnayan Sangstha.