On 14 July 2024, Doritri Rakhhay Amra (DHORA), Blue Planet Initiative (BPI), Waterkeepers Bangladesh, and Mission Green Bangladesh organized an event at the playground of Khaled Bin Waleed Raa Madrasah. The event was presided over by the President of Maheshkhali and Maheshkhali Upazila Press Club, Journalist JHM Yunus, and conducted by the Member Secretary, Journalist Aziz Sikdar. The Chief Guest, Acting UNO and Assistant Commissioner Lands of Maheshkhali Upazila, Mr. Tajbir Hossain, attended the event. Also present were the joint convener of Maheshkhali, General Secretary of Maheshkhali Upazila Press Club, Journalist ANM Hasan, Journalist Shahabuddin Sikder, Hamid Hossain, Journalist Sheikh Abdullah, Khaled Bin Waleed R. Madrasah Director Maulana Enamul Karim, and General Secretary of Youth Khilafat Maheshkhali, Ayesha Siddiqa, senior teacher of Islamia Balika Madrasah, Maulana Adnan Safari, organizing secretary of Jubo Khilafat Maheshkhali, Rahmatullah Manu, member of the organization, along with teachers, journalists, leaders of social organizations, and various professionals from different institutions. Following the inauguration, the Chief Guest distributed 300 tree saplings, including coconut trees.