Awareness program on ‘Riverine Bangladesh and our Buriganga’ with School Children
With the Initiative of Buriganga Riverkeeper on 15th May, 2017 a river based awareness program was organized in cooperation with the Bangladesh Bank. With the title ‘Riverine Bangladesh and Our Buriganga’, the event was held at Anwarya Begum Muslim Girls’ High School and College in order to send valuable messages
Read moreCampaign to Raise Awareness for Saving Buriganga River through Song – Day 7
Final day of the event, ‘Save River through Song’, was held on May 10th, 2017. The final two events were held in the same day. The morning event was held in Wiseghat, Dhaka. And, the afternoon event was held in the VIP Terminal of Sadarghat Port. Similar to the previous
Read moreCampaign to Raise Awareness for Saving Buriganga River through Song – Day 6
On 9th of May, Buriganga Riverkeeper continued its 6th day of ‘Save River through Song’ programme, in Showari Ghat, Dhaka. Buriganga Riverkeeper’s team along with the cultural group ‘Rangmohal set up their premise on the other side of Buriganga. It was raining but the rainfall did not stop our team
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‘Save River through Song’ had its 5th day in Showari Ghat, Dhaka. It was held on May 08, 2017. Similar set up was being prepared in Showari Ghat by the bank of Buriganga. Cultural group, ‘Rangmohal’ called out to the public nearby by their song lyrics and stories. The public
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Our event titled as ‘Save River through Song’, continued its 4th day in Sham Bazar. The designated date chosen for the fourth location was May 07, 2017. The cultural group named, ‘Rangmohal’ did their very best to attract people and telling them stories about our river Buriganga. They performed various
Read moreCampaign to Raise Awareness for Saving Buriganga River through Song – Day 3
Buriganga Riverkeeper which is affiliated with Waterkeepers Bangladesh, a regional entity of Waterkeeper Alliance has been working to protect the Buriganga River through enforcement, monitoring and community action. Its movement works for swimmable, drinkable and fishable Buriganga As part of the series of events titled as ‘Save River through Song’
Read moreCampaign to Raise Awareness for Saving Buriganga River through Song – Day 2
Being a part of the event series titled as ‘Save River through Song’ on both sides of the Buriganga river, another event was carried on 4th of May, 2017. By the initiative of Buriganga Riverkeeper, the event was held on the other side of the Lalkuthir Ghat close to Keraniganj. A
Read moreProjecting the air quality, toxic and health impacts of the Rampal coal-‐fired power plant Lauri Myllyvirta, coal and air pollution specialist, Greenpeace
Projecting the air quality, toxic and health impacts of the Rampal coal-‐fired power plant Lauri Myllyvirta, coal and air pollution specialist, Greenpeace
Read moreCampaign to Raise Awareness for Saving Buriganga River through Song – Day 1
By the initiative of Buriganga Riverkeeper, an awareness event titled as ‘Save River through Song’ was organized on Wednesday, 3rd of May 2017. Dhaka Sadarghat Launch Terminal was chosen as the inauguration venue for this event. Honorable Chairman of National River Conservation Commission (NRCC), Mr. Md. Ataharul Islam inaugurated the
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