On October 19, 2023, a public gathering and boat rally took place outside Sheikh Jamal High School in Kamrangirchar, Dhaka. The event, part of the Asia Day of Action on Food and Climate Justice, highlighted concerns regarding food security, climate change, and the monopolization of agri-food by multinational corporations. Initiated by Waterkeepers Bangladesh, a number of civil society organizations took part in the event. Speakers, including the coordinator of Waterkeepers Bangladesh, Mr. Sharif Jamil, emphasized the dire consequences of erratic weather patterns on agriculture and urged collective action to demand reparations for climate change victims. Local community people, boatmen, activists, and many others took part in this program to show their solidarity with our global demand for food and climate justice.
News Links –Bangladesh Post; Bangla Tribune; Dhaka Mail; Kaler Kantho; RP News 24